The Secret to Getting the Most out of Core Exercise
by , November 18, 2011
Everyone talks about “core strengthening.” It’s not a fad? For the past 100 years we’ve known that the core of our trunk (abdominals, lower shoulder blade muscles, inside thigh muscles) needs to be strong in order for our arms and legs to function best. Among other exercise programs, Pilates is one form of training that does focus on this. But, if you only participate in an exercise routine and don’t transfer that strength into functional use, you’ve accomplished little.
Everyday actions to engage your core:
– when lifting your child, pull your abdominals in for back support
– reaching to put a dish in an upper cabinet, put one foot in front of the other, hip width apart and support your posture with your abdominals
– when in line at the store, stand evenly on both feet and lift tall through your inside thighs
– when moving laundry, emptying the dishwasher or mowing the lawn, tighten your abdominals and lower shoulder blades
– when bending over to fill the dog/cat bowl on the floor, tighten your abdominal muscles
– stand up from a chair or sofa with a tall spine, belly pulled in and strong leg and hip muscles, NOT by pushing on your arms
– squat with a tall spine (belly in) and return to standing with strong legs when getting into a low cupboard or drawer
– When pulling your abdominals in, don’t forget to breathe!